Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

  • Toha is a New Zealand-based fintech company creating a technology platform and network of new markets that allow the true value of regenerative action to be recognised and traded. Our mission is to help impact investment to be unleashed to the frontline of climate action at scale.

    Toha is made up of:

    Toha Foundry - a venture capital-backed technology company.

    Toha Network Charitable Trust - a charitable trust that governs the Network, data and system to support and promote environmental regeneration. See the Trust Deed here.

    Toha Science - An independent science agency for social and environmental impact that identifies and facilitates vital research. Learn more here.

  • The Toha Network is an ecosystem of investors, scientists, impact ventures, corporates, frontline experts, technology partners, government and communities cooperating to accelerate science-based regeneration and bring new value to environmental action.

  • We all have a role to play in the regeneration of our planet and we would love you to join the Network:

    Interested in funding, donating or investing in action for nature? Join our MAHI presale list here.

    Want to take action on your farm or land block? Register your projects here.

    Do you have expertise in undertaking regenerative projects or measuring environmental outcomes? Register your interest in developing a pledge or claim template here.

    Interesting in joining the MAHI workforce and taking action in the Network? Register your interest in being a network contributor here.

The Toha System

  • Toha provides new markets and assets to value regenerative action and connect impact investment to the frontline.

    How does it work?

    Contributors take action

    Network contributors undertake work for nature like restoring wetlands, managing pests or collecting native seeds based on pledge templates developed by experts.

    Contributors report data

    Verifiable data and evidence is reported to the Network to prove their actions, measure their outcome claims and build their pledge data asset.

    Contributors can access finance or action payments

    To help cover the costs of the work and data reporting, network contributors can unlock impact-linked finance or MAHI payments for approved action in the Network.

    Members can buy claims

    Governments, supply chains, businesses, consumers, banks and insurers can buy claims that prove the outcomes achieved with TOHA network tokens. These are supported by verifiable data and science-backed templates.

    Financial markets can invest at scale

    Scale finance can invest in action via MAHI, impact finance or speculate on risk of the performance of future claims.

  • MAHI tradeable unit that accelerates action for nature.

    Each MAHI costs $26 - based on an hour of work at the New Zealand living wage.

    You can choose to invest, fund or donate MAHI. Learn more about your buying options here.

    Each MAHI you buy funds action on the ground or work to grow the Toha Network like the design of reusable pledge and claim templates or the development of data infrastructure.

  • TOHA network tokens are required to buy access to claims and outcomes data, make payments and give you governance rights in the Network.

    TOHA network tokens haven't launched yet, however, you can secure access to them by purchasing MAHI. The earlier you invest in MAHI, the higher your Time Value of Action multiplier is and the more TOHA you can swap it for. Alternatively, you can secure TOHA in the future via the secondary market.

    Learn more in our upcoming white paper.

  • Claim templates are developed by scientists and knowledge holders and can be used to measure outcomes achieved on the land.

    Network contributors can sell their claims and access to their outcome data to governments, supply chains, banks, impact funders or investors and receive claim payments.

    This creates new incentives for achieving environmental outcomes and helps claim buyers achieve the impact and data access required for their reporting.

    Check out the full list of claim templates in development or currently seeking funding here.

    Interested in developing a template? Register your interest in being a developer here.

  • Trusted data about what is happening in our environment is increasingly in demand.

    Buyers of claims could include:

    1. Businesses who need to report on their Scope 3 emissions, biodiversity or water quality impacts within their supply chains

    2. Local and central government to measure national progress towards environmental targets like New Zealand’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC1) or biodiversity strategy, and offer new incentives for achieving these outcomes

    3. Organisations that want to fund positive outcomes as part of their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) sustainability strategies

    4. Banks and insurers who need to meet their climate-related disclosure requirements, offer impact-linked finance products or use the outcome data to understand the risks and mitigation efforts of properties and businesses on their books

  • Pledge templates are developed by experts and guide people through the activities and data collection required to take action, measure their impact, and build their pledge data asset.

    Example pledge templates could include:

    Wetland Restoration

    Erodible Slope Stabilisation

    Biodiversity Enhancement in Native Forest

    Waterway Restoration

    Regenerative Dairy Pastures

    Check out the full list of templates in development or currently seeking funding here.

    Interested in developing a template? Register your interest in being a developer here.

  • Experts and knowledge holders can develop templates for use in the Network.

    Interested in developing a template? Register your interest in being a developer here.

Privacy and Data

  • Yes. You can read our Privacy Policy here.

  • We hold your personal information in accordance with the requirements set out in the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993. Your personal information may be held by Toha electronically or in hardcopy (in New Zealand or elsewhere) but in all cases, we will control that information and keep it secure.

    Residents of some other countries, including residents of the European Union, should be aware that the laws of New Zealand do not offer the same regulations as the laws of your home country.

    For more information visit our Privacy Policy

  • You own the data you report to the Network.

    Data sovereignty is a critical design principle in the Toha Network. The system allows you to monetise your data – if, and when, you choose to.

    Toha Network Trust protects your interests as a data owner by holding your data in trust.

  • Trusted data is critical to measure true environmental action and impact.

    All datasets reported into the Network require evidence like photos, invoices or lab test results.

    Claims sold can also undergo an additional third-party verification process. Buyers can access the raw data and evidence to verify and request additional evidence if required.

MAHI Buyers & Investors

  • Based on the date you invest in MAHI you receive a Time Value of Action multiplier. The earlier you fund action, the higher the multiplier.

    In the future, when TOHA network tokens launch, you will be able to swap your MAHI for TOHA at the rate of this multiplier. You can use this TOHA to pay for Toha claims e.g. proof of carbon sequestration or biodiversity improvement and access the verifiable data that back this up. Holding TOHA also gives you governance and voting rights in the Network.

    Alternatively, you can trade your TOHA on the secondary market to others who want to buy claims and data access.

    Buying MAHI is the only way to secure access to TOHA without bidding on the secondary market.

  • All types of MAHI fund action for nature and help grow the Toha Network.

    If you invest in MAHI:

    • You will receive a Time Value of Action multiplier based on the date you invested

    • In the future, you can swap your MAHI for TOHA network tokens at this multiplier rate

    • You can use your TOHA to buy claims and access outcomes data or trade it on the secondary market

    • Holding TOHA also gives you governance rights in the Network

    If you fund MAHI:

    • You can target your funding by action type, outcomes, location, land use or within your supply chain

    • You will receive an action report of what your MAHI has funded

    If you donate to MAHI:

    • You will receive a charitable donation receipt

    • You can receive a 33.33% tax credit

  • The price of MAHI will be pegged to one hour of work at the New Zealand living wage, currently $26 NZD.

    Learn more about how MAHI will operate as a stablecoin in Toha's dual credit system in our upcoming white paper.

  • Yes absolutely. Toha Network Charitable Trust is a registered charity and you will receive a donation receipt once you have donated.

Landowners and Managers

  • Currently, MAHI is only available to pilot projects that are being used to test the system.

    As more MAHI is purchased, the pilots will be expanded to include more farms and land blocks.

    Register your interest here in taking action on your land block and joining the pilot.

  • Our initial pilots are at Kōtare Station and Te Kautuku. These pilots will be expanding to additional sites in the upcoming months and new types of pilots will be added as the Network grows.

    Register your interest in taking action on your land & joining the Network here.

  • Currently, MAHI is only available to pilot projects that are being used to test the system.

    As more MAHI is purchased, the pilots will be expanded to include more farms and land blocks.

    Register your interest here in taking action on your land block and joining the pilot.

  • We are currently working to develop a forestry pilot and have a number of others in their early stages. We welcome suggestions.

    Register a pilot project idea here.

Industry and Government

  • You can buy MAHI to:

    Reduce your future costs

    Buy MAHI early to secure more TOHA network tokens. If your organisation has future environmental reporting requirements and needs to prove impact within your supply chain, membership or region you can use TOHA to incentivise impact and buy verifiable claims from Network contributors. The earlier you invest, the higher your Time Value of Action multiplier is and the more TOHA you receive.

    Get voting rights in the Network

    Holders of TOHA get voting and governance rights in the Network. Buying MAHI is the only way to secure voting rights today.

    Target your funding

    As a government, organisation or impact funder, you can target your MAHI funds by type of action, outcome, location, land use or within your supply chain.

    Prove a new model is possible

    Buy MAHI to support a new system. Show environmental regeneration is investible and that action can be accelerated by providing new incentives. Demonstrate we can capture trusted, verifiable data about what is happening on the land at scale.

    Get funds straight to the frontline

    Support those working directly on the land to take regenerative action.

  • Yes if you choose to fund MAHI you can target your funds by:

    • type of action

    • outcome

    • location

    • land use

    • or within your supply chain.

    Note the number and type of targeting criteria applied impacts the MAHI transaction fee you will need to pay.

  • Yes, that is one of the goals of the Network.

    You will be able to buy claims from individuals or organisations in your supply chain, membership or region to see the data and impact achieved if they are a Network member.

    These will be supported by claim templates developed by experts. See the list of claim templates prioritised for development here.

    In the future you will need to buy claims with TOHA network tokens. You can get access to these today by purchasing MAHI that you can swap for TOHA in future. The earlier you invest, the higher your Time Value of Action multiplier is and the more TOHA you receive.

  • No. But important to note that this may be subject to Network vote (by TOHA holders) at some point in the future.

  • If you fund MAHI you will receive an action report of what specific actions your MAHI funded.

    If you donate or invest in MAHI your funds will go in the collective Network or pilot funding pools. This means you won't see the specific actions you funded. The overall status of pilot projects and Network development however, will always be available so you can see what claim and pledge templates have been developed and which projects are underway.

    If you want to see detailed data about the outcomes achieved e.g. biodiversity uplift, carbon sequestration or water quality improvements from specific projects you'll need to buy claims from those Network contributors.